LONDON – Kashmiris, Pakistanis and their allies held various campaigns and events over the weekend across the EU and the UK to mark right to self-determination day for people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Hosted by Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK and its EU chapters, rallies and conferences were held in Barcelona, Spain; Balogna, Italy; Birmingham, the UK.
Fahim Kayani, President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK reminded the international community of its promised made to Kashmiris on Jan. 05, 1949.
Kashmiris were promised by the international community at the UN that they shall be given right to choose their future through a fair and free plebiscite. But the promise was never held as belligerent India unilaterally blocked any such move.
“The credibility of the UN and international rules-based order is at risk if Kashmiris are not granted their genuine, legal and legitimate right,” Kayani said.
With awakening across the world regarding need to liberate occupied lands, Kayani warned: “if Kashmiris are not granted a chance to peacefully decide about their political future, which of course if freedom from illegal occupation by India, then the day is not far when the UN and its Charter will serve no purpose.”
Recalling sacrifices of Kashmiris to liberate their homeland from India, Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe President Muhammad Ghalib said: “it is broad day light testament that when rights of people are suppressed and people are persecuted, it triggers a genuine resistance.”
“If the international community does not take immediate steps to implement its own resolutions on Kashmir, the day is not far when the tensions on Kashmir will grow which can trigger a nuclear war,” he warned.
Raja Shafiq Tabasam, president Tehreek-e-Kashmir Spain and Ch Babar Warriach, president Tehreek-e-Kashmir Italy said international community cannot turn blind eye to Kashmir and “give India a pass” for her violation of international law.”
Lauding the resistance by Kashmiris against occupying one million Indian forces, the Kashmiri leaders stressed need for consistent campaigns to push forward cause of Kashmir.