Grand conference at “Memorial Mosque for innocent martyrs of Afghan War” in Logar

LOGAR, Afghanistan: A grand conference was organized at the “Memorial Mosque for innocent martyrs of the Afghan War” in the Logar province of Afghanistan. Logar is a strategic province, which is called the “Gateway of Jihad War”. The Innocent Martyrs’ memorial mosque was constructed by the local people of Logar Province adjacent to the Kabul Expressway to commemorate the sacrifices of innocent Afghan martyrs during the USA and allied forces’ war against Afghanistan.
This mosque will provide a platform for the families of innocent martyrs to educate their children and help them find suitable jobs and meet their basic needs.
Over one thousand people gathered to memorialize the martyrs and their sacrifices and pay tribute to the innocent Afghan martyrs and victims. At the same time, the USA and allied forces’ oppression was condemned and demonstrations were held against the killing of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Palestine.
Central and local leaders from the Afghan government, civic institutes, and different spheres of the community took part in the conference. Prominent among them were Ahmad Gul Rashidi, Government Secretary Rashidiya University, Abdullah Mufakkar, Director Ministry of Management, Disaster and Emergency, Logar Province, Mohammad Ibrahim, Director of the Ministry of Religious Legal Affairs, Abdul Qadir Haq Parast Minister of Religious Properties and Mosques, Mr. Hamd Wali Kher Khawa Assistant Commissioner Logar Province, Abu Yousuf Murtaza Aamir, Director of the Ministry of Enforcing Social Behavior, Muhammad Ibrahim Haqqani Raeesi, Deputy minister department of interior, Logar Province, Molana Abdul Nafeh, Minister, Ministry of Islamic moral and legal system, Molana Rahim Gul, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Islamic moral and legal system, Qari Ahmad Muhajar, Professor Quran Teaching Institute, Logar Province, Molvi Noor Gul, Senior Officer Civil Services, Logar Province, Molvi Inayat Ullah, Deputy Governor Logar Province, Molana Zabihullah Zakir, Chief Executive Security Affairs Logar Province, Molvi ShafiqueUllah Shafqat Raeesi, University Professor, Kabul, Molvi Kher Ullah Kher Khua, Famous Celebrity Afghanistan, Qaari Ahmad Muhaahjir, Religious Head Preacher, Abazak District and Mufti RoohUllah Ghalib, Chief Justice of the Sessions Court.
The speakers thanked the Allah Almighty and praised the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the victorious restoration of peace in Afghanistan against the USA and allied forces, and prayed for the innocent civilian victims and innocent martyrs killed as heinous war crimes committed by the USA and allied forces in Afghanistan and USA-backed Israel hegemony in Palestine.
Condolences were extended to the families of the innocent martyrs. In the ceremony, tribute was paid to the souls of the innocent martyrs and along with this recitation of the Holy Quran and Natia poems were read. Prayers were offered for the security and prosperity of Afghanistan.
Speaking on the occasion Ahmad Gul Rashidi, Government Secretary Rashidiya University said construction of the ‘Innocent Victims Memorial Mosque’ is not only to remember hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslim civilians who died in the Afghan war but also to let the Afghan people remember this national disaster from generation to generation.
“We will not forget, and all Muslims will not forget! We Afghanis and the world should unite and accuse the United States and other countries of their shameless behavior!”, he added.
Abdullah Mufakkar, Director Ministry of Management, Disaster and Emergency, Logar Province said that the war, which lasted from 2001 to 2021, is by far the longest-running war by the U.S. military added that the war in Afghanistan began with America’s revenge against Muslims after 9/11. The 20-year war has resulted in more than 240,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan. Today, millions of civilians in Afghanistan are still displaced and living in fear of the future.
He emphasized that through unity we can establish peace in Afghanistan and keep away all foreign attacks in the future.
Abdul Qadir Haq Parast Minister of Religious Properties and Mosques “our blood was mercilessly spilled, every drop of blood is a stain on the face of the shameless US-led regime, forever recorded in the history of Islam”.
Rest of the speakers also focused on the unity of all Muslims around the world. They emphasized that only through unity can we stand against the bullying and oppression of the USA and allied oppressors. Muslim unity is the key to world peace and the progress and peaceful development of all the nations around the globe. Speakers mourned the brutal civilian killings in Palestine and urged Israel to stop killing innocent civilians, especially children.
The youth demonstrated their hate for the USA-led oppressor hegemony by raising slogans against the USA and burning down the United States flag to show their protest and dissension. The conference and demonstrations concluded on the two-point agenda that USA-led war crimes against innocent Muslims are condemnable and Muslim unity is the need of the time to peacefully stand against oppression.